Master Class Program
Learn how to win hearts and minds of sophisticated B2B buyers
Professional learning and growth opportunities are only ever as good as the teachers: their knowledge and expertise, their eagerness to share not out of necessity but out of how much they care about the industry’s future — and yours.
ANA NYC is proud to present the 2022 B2B Master Class Program — a series of professional and career development classes led by true masters of B2B marketing. This 4-class virtual and live program with certification on completion covers topics from Storytelling to Account-Based Marketing and Demand Gen to Brand and more.

2022 Event Speakers

September 28 – Unleashing the Power and Navigating the Challenges of Storytelling in B2B
The digital media environment is increasingly cluttered. To break through the clutter and retain relevance, communications must resonate as never before. Fortunately, the data shows that creative that tells a story has both higher recall and engagement.
In this master class, Toni Clayton-Hine and Maria Biglione will discuss ways to think about creative storytelling in the B2B world – how to position an idea for internal stakeholders, different ways to approach the story for different buyers, when to work with a traditional agency or a publishers’ in-house content agency, and how to measure success.
Toni Clayton-Hine, Chief Marketing Officer, EY Americas
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Marina Biglione, Managing Director, Ogilvy New York
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October 6 – Account-Based Experience: The Next Generation of ABM
We’re always evolving in B2B and marketing strategies need to keep up! Account-Based Experience, or ABX, is a customer-centric rethinking of how B2B companies go-to-market. ABX reinvents ABM around the customer experience. It uses Account Intelligence to help orchestrate sales and marketing moves and inject relevance into every stage of the B2B buying journey. Join Jon Miller as he unpacks the fundamentals of an Account-Based Experience strategy and shares practical tips and campaign ideas you can implement right away. In this Master Class, you’ll learn:
- The fundamentals of an Account-Based Experience strategy
- How you can turn your ABM strategy into an ABX strategy — and why you should
- How to inject relevance into every step of every buying process
Jon Miller, Chief Marketing Officer, Demandbase
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October 25 – Let Marketing Lead the Next Gen of Demand Gen
Firms are becoming less reliant on direct sales interaction and more dependent on Marketing to deliver targeted, timely, and relevant digital outreach strategies. To remain competitive, firms must be present when and where their customers are looking for information, while marketing departments must take on more responsibility to deliver relevant and engaging content at all stages of the buying journey.
In this session, Jason Angrisani examines ways B2B firms are leaning more on marketing-led engagements to connect, nurture and convert clients. It will also look at the technology B2Bs are using to automate effective communication strategies that convert clients and increase commercial returns.
Jason Angrisani, Chief Marketing Officer, Bloomberg L.P
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November 15 – Brand Marketing: How to Succeed in a Challenging Economic Environment
It’s relatively easy for brands to succeed in a strong economy, but only the smartest, sharpest brands succeed in a downturn. Keeping calm when others waver – trusting data over opinions – these are the keys to out-performance. Join The B2B Institute’s Head of Research, Jon Lombardo, and his colleagues from LinkedIn as they discuss what the data tells us about advertising in a downturn. Discover why some brands succeed and others fall short. This is a must-attend session for forward-thinking marketers, with lessons for today and tomorrow.
Jon Lombardo, Head of Research, The B2B Institute at LinkedIn
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