2021 Master Class Program
Learn how to win hearts and minds of sophisticated B2B buyers
Professional learning and growth opportunities are only ever as good the teachers: their knowledge and expertise, their eagerness to share not out of necessity but out of how much they care about the industry’s future — and yours. ANA NYC is proud to present the B2B Master Class Program — a new series of professional and career development classes led by true masters of B2B marketing. This 6-class program with certification on completion covers Storytelling, Data, Demand Gen, Brand, Martech and CX.
Explore the B2B Master Class Program below.

People are spending more and more time online, but click through rates on traditional display ads continue to drop. To break through the clutter and retain relevance requires communications that resonate. Fortunately, the data shows that creative that tells a story has both higher recall and engagement.
In this master class the Sage of Storytelling Toni Clayton-Hine will discuss ways to think about creative storytelling in the B2B world – how to position the idea for internal stakeholders, different ways to approach the story for different buyers, when to work with a traditional agency or a publishers’ in-house content agency, and how to measure success.
Every day we leave traces of information that tell our favorite brands and companies what we like and what we don’t. As customers and clients, we expect greater relevance in the communications from brands. Deep personalization is now no longer a nice to have, it is a key element that demands the use of active data-listening and insights to deliver the best possible client experience across every single touchpoint.
Come learn from the Deputy of Data Beth Bamonte how digital acceleration is found through decisions based on data, and how you can find the clues to help ensure you stitch together a 360⁰ view of your client. Discuss how to bring more meaningful experiences to life in your marketing campaigns while putting all relevant information to use.

Jason Angrisani
Chief Marketing Officer

October 26 – Demand Gen: Let Marketing Lead the Next Gen of Demand Gen
Firms are becoming less reliant on direct sales interaction and more dependent on marketing to deliver targeted, timely, and relevant digital outreach strategies. To remain competitive, firms must be present when and where their customers are looking for information, while marketing departments must take on more responsibility to deliver relevant and engaging content at all stages of the buying journey.
In this course the Genius of Demand Gen Jason Angrisani will examine ways B2B firms are leaning more on marketing-led engagements to connect, nurture, and convert clients. It will also look at the technology B2B firms are leveraging to automate effective communication strategies that convert clients and increase commercial returns.

Jann Schwarz
Senior Director

A strong brand is among the most valuable intangible assets that any business can own. And yet, brand building is poorly understood and often underfunded in many B2B companies to the detriment of opportunities and results.
Join the Big Kahuna of Brand Jann Schwarz and his colleagues from the B2B Institute as they outline a better mental model for how to think about brands in a B2B context, and how to secure the investment needed to successfully build them up.
In a B2B world where marketing is being charged with everything from driving upper funnel brand awareness to performance marketing and topline growth, all while fostering loyalty, retention and sales enablement, the technology powering your marketing machine can be the critical difference between success and failure.
In this class the Master of Martech Russ Findlay will dive into core martech must-haves, as well as the key principles of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. You’ll learn how to supercharge your martech stack including roadmapping, vendor evaluation and selection in order to navigate the unending world of options and ‘better tech’ to ensure you get your stack just right.

Linda Brunner
Senior Vice President,
Siemens Healthineer
December 14 – Customer Experience (CX): Putting the Customer at the Center
B2B companies that create and deliver exceptional customer experiences set themselves apart from the competition and ensure long-term customer loyalty. These experiences embrace end-to-end consistency and relevancy in brand touchpoints over the entire relationship – the customer journey, the interactions, and the environments the customer encounters.
Go on a learning journey with the Savant of CX Linda Brunner, identifying the trends impacting customer experience, touching on the most important concepts, exploring what good customer experience looks like, sharing insights and challenges, and discussing how you can and do win as a B2B company.